Canine Bowen Therapy
A non-invasive, gentle therapy, which can enhance your dog's well-being and quality of life.
Canine Bowen Therapy can help loosen and separate tight muscle fibres, increase blood and lymphatic flow which is important for healing to take place after post surgery or with acute or chronic injuries.
Canine Bowen Bodywork should be considered for:
Stress / anxiety disorders
Increasing blood and lymphatic flow
Dogs recuperating from illness
Lower back soreness
Hind limb and tail injuries
Hip dysplasia
Shoulder and forelimb disorders
Head/ neck TMJ disorders
Breathing disorders
*Canine Bowen Therapy is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for veterinary care. If in doubt, please consult you vet.
Session Duration: Approx 25 minutes
Cost: $50